Off to The Races

193c8360c3a0235a051cec0022b6e7bf5dContent. Content. Content. Or as they say in real estate … What’s the most important thing in buying a home? Location. Location. Location.

What’s this all about you ask? I’m spurred on by challenges. Are you? My writer friend named Suzie has inspired me again. Her and Jane, who writes daily, are my web support. Her post about attempting to do one a day for NaNoWriMo got me thinking, and now writing. Since I have three blogs and a novel in progress I thought I would give it a shot, a run or at least a good try! That whole thing about shoot for the stars and see where you land, somewhere a midst the heavens or sky, is kind of how I live my life.

Yesterday was halfway for NaNoWriMo and I did two pages of writing for my novel, ‘North Depot 1922.’ I participated in NaNoWriMo in 2013 and will do it again someday. Here I am today on my author site~pen name Caroline with some inspiration to keep us all moving forward, driving down that road to wherever we are going.

I have taught myself to become a writer through reading, writing, learning, asking and putting it down on paper or screen. It has been quite a process. If you are at the beginning, well, keep going. I’m here to tell you that completing a novel is worth the effort. Its all yours!

What’s in a book you might ask? What makes a great book? Read a great book and you’ll know. It has that emotion, words that reach inside of us and wake us up with joy, or stretch our insides to spill out tears by merely turning a page.

Have I written a good or great book? Well, if you measure that by readers, then no. If you measure that by publishers wanting my manuscripts, then no. If you measure that by best seller lists, then no. But if you measure it by do I love my own work, then yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

And now for the finale … content. Content is important, it declares your genre, your time period, fiction or nonfiction, etc. Mixed in with all that content is the body. More specifically it is the people (characters), plot and punctuation. I have trouble with all of these but punctuation is a definite problem of mine. One thing I’m blessed with is I never get writer’s block. English was not my best subject in school. I was better at science, math and physical education, sewing, too. Somehow though, I arrived wanting more from music, books, poetry and the arts. I obtain such joy yielding to this subject matter. And that’s the way it is!

Visit my other blogs and see where I land in this NaNo Land.

Kim Troike
