I Always Wanted to Write a Novel

I Always Wanted to Write a Novel

Mission Impossible. No, not the movie, but possibly how you feel about your dream. Last night you had that recurring dream that you were going to tackle the list of ten things to do before you can’t. Travel, cook, read, dance, hike, get married, get divorced, go to a play at the Fox Theatre, or maybe check out the symphony. The first item on the list is write a novel. You say to yourself, “I’ll start the day after I retire,” which is next month.

A coworker tells you about the Atlanta Writers Club. And here you are at their monthly meeting. The president tells the audience that everyone has a beginning and you find yourself nodding in agreement. You smile, sit back and take some notes. At the break you find yourself wandering around feeling mighty green, until you meet someone and it is their first time also. Well, at least you’re here working on that bucket list before time runs out. Ready. Set. Go.


Next up is a firsthand account of how to write a novel by a member who did just that. Please welcome Caroline Clemens to the stage. (She thanks everyone for being here and tells us to take out our notebooks and write fast!) “This is for the 18-99 year old first timer, any other profession besides an MFA, and someone with a story to tell. Follow this and you can write a book over the next 6-12 months. Purchase or gather up pens, notebooks, a thesaurus, and a computer. Use your name or a pen name and stick with it, start a WordPress blog, keep passwords handy, and figure out what type of book you want to write. Is there a story inside you, or do you just like a particular genre? Purchase a book or two of your favorite author, genre, or general interest. This will help with details when you get to the end of the road.

If you have never written anything and feel very green, then join a poetry group online. I joined d-Verse Poets Pub and stayed with them for over a year eventually having enough material for a collection of poems. Writing poetry gets the language moving, the words are enticing and your brain responds creatively. Join a writing group if you like, I was unable to do this with three kids to escort around town, school, cooking and homework, and later a job. I followed other writing blogs and derived my critique and inspiration from them. If you have a title, great, if not don’t worry it will come. You are going to learn along the way. You are going to Atlanta Writers Club meetings, starting a blog, following a poetry and/or other writing blogs, purchased your writing items, lit a candle, turned on some inspirational music, or silence, and hence the next step is it.


Don’t be scared, this is where I help. On the first few pages of the notebook write the title, plot, places, character names, genre, and any notes you want to remember about the story. On a single page write the title, plot, first sentence, last sentence and desired word count. This will keep you motivated and on task towards the goal. The next four pages, leave pages in between for when you change something and rip it out, will be the outline. According to how many words construct an appropriate amount of chapters. Do you like long chapters, or short? Once you know the amount of words per chapter then set down the chapters with headings or a story flow. Now you have something to refer to when you get all mixed up or forgetful. I wrote out in notebooks by hand my first four or five novels this way, then typed them to the computer. This is the very fun part because you’ve done an extraordinary amount of work and now you can add or delete at will. Have fun!

Read a paragraph out loud to see if it flows. Edit yourself-then find an editor who may be a friend or from a group, even a professional one for hire. When you have completed typing it to the computer, and edited the manuscript, find yourself a cover! I use Self-Pub Covers online and the cost is about $75-$125. You will want to write a back cover and this can be very tricky. Get out that favorite author of yours and read their back cover-look at the insides, etc. Teach yourself. I eventually found an editor who makes my manuscript look perfect on the page, but you can use someone like XLibris to format your book. These two costs are around $100-$400. My books are now with Ingram Spark who is a book distributor. They distribute everywhere around the globe in print or digital. Mine are available on Amazon/Barnes & Noble and other venues. I have just started the marketing process so I’ll be working on that part of bookselling.


Finally, it sounds like so much to do but it isn’t-it works right from you. You are master of your fate, maybe for once in your life you write the details and tell people what to say. After I wrote four or five books I turned the page and just like that improved upon my own process. What did I have to lose? I now use yellow tablets, putting the title, plot, characters, word count, genre, places, and a full six page outline with headings, storyline, etc. and type to the computer from this. This was a magnificent accomplishment of mine. I’ve heard Scrivener has a tool and I may try that next time. I’ve been writing for nine years now, and hopefully my marketing will help me to sell and make a few bucks. Readers, reviews, and a positive query are the prizes and I wish that for all of us. I Always Wanted to Write a Novel.”

Thank you. Best,

Caroline Clemens

Photography by Kim Troike

#1 photo from Chagrin Falls, Ohio-also her nickname from a long time ago.

#2 Digital Chocolate for Lilly/Historical fiction 1920’s

#3 Digital Three King Mackerel and a Mahi-Mahi/Thriller Surveillance

#4 What will she do with all these books? Market Market Market

Published via Atlanta Writers Club Newsletter for April/George Weinstein

Break Time

Seven years ago I happened upon social medias and kept going after more. I suppose I suddenly found time for a break with the enormity of raising three children close in age. I also wanted to know what they were doing as we’d heard of the many dangers of the world wide web, something I didn’t have growing up. We had books, television, movie theaters, and school. I continually learned enjoying most of it and appalled by some. Eventually I started three blogs, ended up on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, You-Tube, and a few others. I’m still here but am now prioritizing and refocusing.

The photo above is the cover for my 3rd novel ‘Sapphire Souls’ which is part of Into the Vines. My photograph was used with Amazon’s KDP (kindle direct publishing), a tool for self-pubbed authors. Truly incredible!

Never did I think I would write books. Click link below.

Amazon page

A whole other world opened for me and for that I’m grateful. I learned more than a lot. I gained an entrance into my brain that was rarely used (I wrote poetry back when I was 20 n 30) and found out how to express that. Things I loved growing up were right there, and now maybe, I understood why I liked those things as a child or teen or young adult.

No wonder why I went out for musicals, choir, sports, put on skits, and ran for vice president of my class. We should pursue the things in life that make us happy, feel good, and want to succeed, otherwise we become miserable and unable to move forward. We feel trapped. I’ve always been for more arts, sports, recess, and music in school. I could see my children being swept up in homework, sitting all day, bored in class by teachers passing out worksheets and not teaching. They just don’t listen to me (yes, I even got on a board w the principal back in elementary school).

Therefore, I decided to write books in hopes of gaining a larger audience. I’m a doer but realize one person can’t do it all, and really, would we want perfection all at once? I continually seek a sweeter life (and a publisher) with adventure, and maybe now, just to do a little less as my teens will be eighteen (2) and nineteen (1). I have to break except for a couple blog posts I want to do in March on theivorytide.com. I will do my May newsletter on this site.

I deserve a small break, it’s been a wonderful life!

Thanks a million! Kim Troike

Caroline Clemens-pen

Christmas Newsletter 2016


Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you found me, let me tell you a little about me. I’ve been blogging since 2011 and have learned more than I could ever have hoped. It’s like there’s a whole other world out there for sharing and appreciating; makes me feel so grown up! I feel as though the light has been turned ON. I definitely know I found this at the right time as I was looking for more in my life. Why?

Well, I had completed my task list and had dismissed myself to the wayside. Have you ever done that? So I began to concentrate on me and did a couple things but something was missing, that feel or engagement of sorts. Let’s say you attend a musical or play or concert and you just love it. That feeling stays with you for quite sometime. I was missing the concert, or concerto.


Now I feel as though I don’t have enough time in the day; I mean come on God I need 48 hours for every day. Smiles. I’ll prioritize again, very soon, but first I’m launching this writing thing that began back in 2011. I have books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, mostly digital save for one that I spent money to get published from a small press. They did a fantastic job and I was never more proud to have a book of my own. I didn’t break the bank as I’m a bit frugal and handle my finances very well.

Last night though, I transformed my digital stories into print books, low cost to purchase right on Amazon. God Bless Amazon! Seriously, after five years of learning every detail myself, someone was there to take my hand and say, okay here’s the final step. Let’s see if we can’t find you some readers and make a little money for your hard earned efforts. We’ll see. I’m as happy as a ………


Christmas has always been special for me and I don’t remember ever being depressed at this time. I know what sadness is maybe even depression but I never carried it for a long time. I’ve had some hits in my life and I honestly don’t know why but I’m wired to get up every time and start over again. If you are sad or depressed at this time reach out just a little and find someone to have a talk with. That helps tremendously. Coffee and a good chat!

Back to the books and what am I grateful for at this time of the year? Simply the people in my life and the zest for which I live. I’m a list maker and a doer. My husband stood by me for years as we struggled with infertility (the quiet killer of dreams) and now I stand with him as he makes a new career for himself moving forward. I’m proud of him for making that change after 32 years at the same institution. I love change and he doesn’t. Talk about opposites.


Here’s to the next step in life for both of us! I’m just getting started and have more stories to write. I’ve entered contests with cash prizes. Yes! Say a prayer for me and I have already started on a tiny lighthouse Christmas tale. For now go to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and find me there under Caroline Clemens, my pen name.  Twitter

Carpe Diem and Merry Christmas with a Blessed New Year! Caroline Clemens

This post is dedicated to Susie Lindau’s #Blessed Project at  #BlessedProject@WildRide

Blogger @theivorytide.com Amazon Purchase

Photography by Me I Have An Amazon Page!

My husband Mike (aka Hemmingway), lights and cabin via Marybeth & Brian’s place.

*Oh my having trouble getting my novel to convert into print! This is distressing for the life of a self-pubbed writer. One in draft, the other not working. Update later ….

* Update on Twitter

September 2016 Newsletter


What’s that expression? “Anything worthwhile doesn’t come easy.”

As I learn this craft of writing (I never in a million years actually believed I could write a book, yet alone a poetry collection), it is like anything filled with dis-beliefs, sorrows, bad reviews, no confidence, what am I doing moments, along with steady assurances and liking one’s own work. If I didn’t like my work I would have stopped back in 2011. When I reread parts of my novel I still love it. Sure grammar and punctuation have improved though still not perfect. Who’s perfect anyway? Reads a line from one of my poems.

I’m entering contests; why do this you ask? Because contests are a fun way to get people to participate. They propel you to put your best self forward and that’s not a bad thing et all. I’ve entered three contests this year for my poetry alone. From very small online venues to one long standing contest which has upwards of 400 contestants. The Poetry Festival had an actor read my beautiful poem then send the recording to me! It’s at the top of my Twitter feed. Look here at their site. Soon I’ll be outlining a whole plan for future works.

I hope to go a little mainstream as in entering my works in magazines. I just haven’t had the time. I’m finishing up a year long stylist school. Yup, my mother always instilled in me have a back up plan: that way you can venture out and pursue whatever you want in life. Pure economics advice from those depression era memories. She’s a better mother than she realizes, I’m sure.

My eyes are set on a busy and healthy year ahead. Back to working out daily, salads, etc. and maybe some golf! You know the score find a part time real job, be a mom again, write away after a vacation to the beach. My family has had to do mommy things this past year in my absence. I thank them for supporting me. Dreamily, I’ll think about Paris and other places to visit.

Follow me on Instagram kim_troike and Tumblr autumnquotes. I’ll be posting photography from my new camera. Photo above from Thinkstock Images. Thanks for stopping by.

Caroline Clemens

Off to The Races

193c8360c3a0235a051cec0022b6e7bf5dContent. Content. Content. Or as they say in real estate … What’s the most important thing in buying a home? Location. Location. Location.

What’s this all about you ask? I’m spurred on by challenges. Are you? My writer friend named Suzie has inspired me again. Her and Jane, who writes daily, are my web support. Her post about attempting to do one a day for NaNoWriMo got me thinking, and now writing. Since I have three blogs and a novel in progress I thought I would give it a shot, a run or at least a good try! That whole thing about shoot for the stars and see where you land, somewhere a midst the heavens or sky, is kind of how I live my life.

Yesterday was halfway for NaNoWriMo and I did two pages of writing for my novel, ‘North Depot 1922.’ I participated in NaNoWriMo in 2013 and will do it again someday. Here I am today on my author site~pen name Caroline Clemens.com with some inspiration to keep us all moving forward, driving down that road to wherever we are going.

I have taught myself to become a writer through reading, writing, learning, asking and putting it down on paper or screen. It has been quite a process. If you are at the beginning, well, keep going. I’m here to tell you that completing a novel is worth the effort. Its all yours!

What’s in a book you might ask? What makes a great book? Read a great book and you’ll know. It has that emotion, words that reach inside of us and wake us up with joy, or stretch our insides to spill out tears by merely turning a page.

Have I written a good or great book? Well, if you measure that by readers, then no. If you measure that by publishers wanting my manuscripts, then no. If you measure that by best seller lists, then no. But if you measure it by do I love my own work, then yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

And now for the finale … content. Content is important, it declares your genre, your time period, fiction or nonfiction, etc. Mixed in with all that content is the body. More specifically it is the people (characters), plot and punctuation. I have trouble with all of these but punctuation is a definite problem of mine. One thing I’m blessed with is I never get writer’s block. English was not my best subject in school. I was better at science, math and physical education, sewing, too. Somehow though, I arrived wanting more from music, books, poetry and the arts. I obtain such joy yielding to this subject matter. And that’s the way it is!

Visit my other blogs and see where I land in this NaNo Land.



Kim Troike
