100th POST


October 1st UPDATE:

*email* me here —>  carolineclemensauthor@gmail.com

I’m taking a blogging break due to time constraints, new goals & workloads. Please enjoy my sites, writings, and visit my newest bookstore hereBooksbyCarolineClemens

Thank you again to persons who helped me achieve my goals despite obstacles no one ever dreamed existed. There is so much more; I’m just waiting for my keyboard to accept the pounding! “All about that base” … Until the next book!


Hello WordPress Followers!

I’m still here. Unbelievable. WordPress has taught me many things but patience is not one of them. I already had that. I was born patient. I learned to work hard which came naturally and to show the  world kindness. When you are faced up against hatred and utterly mean people, well, that can be treacherous and gut punching to say the least. Still, here I am.

I’m proud to announce that my last two books are in print and digital reads at your favorite online stores! Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords all have them available. The print will be here May 31st. Pre order if you like and you’ll have that INDIE summer read at the beach or up in your cabin in the woods.

I’ve written a spy-thriller (surveillance & the phone) and a historical fiction (set in the ’20’s). I hope to write sequels for both-we’ll see if we get a good interest. Thanks for following me and watching me grow as a writer. Isn’t it funny I always had a name for me as a writer? I just never started until 2011.

I was motivated by love of the written word-it was just waiting for me to find it. Only heaven knows and the spirit within me why I finally did it. I believe I fell in love, properly.


Photography by me from The Biltmore House in North Carolina. It is one of my favorite places and I’ve been there like four times! I call this the Paris Room.


Into the Vines by Kim Troike

YES, it’s here! I did it and believe it or not, I want to do it again. What is IT that is so fascinating? IT has taken three years to write my full length novel titled “Into the Vines.” The ideas came from everywhere and I loved it. Sometimes the novel wrote itself; I kid you not!

What’s it about you ask? Well, I heard this around the net water cooler. “Go read it for yourself.”

That is wonderful advice. As soon as the links are available I’ll have them here with confetti and ribbons and music. Yes, of course there will be music. I’ll need to think of a few songs.

Over the next few months I will be promoting this beautiful endeavor that consumed me, as I wanted to put forth the best effort I could. Now that’s just who I am, you know … born that way. Saddle up and go for a ride as I take you through trails far, far away, from January 21st until May 1st about ‘how and why’ on earth did I ever decide, write and finish my novel. Now that’s a long sentence, phew!

I’m smiling and laughing and kinda thinking that this is a lonely business, writing and all. But, I’m not a loner just comfortable in my own skin. That is until I start writing and then I come out of my skin like a snake. Ha-ha, gotcha. Seriously, thanks for stopping by. I’ve entered my novel in a few contests to see if it measures up to my own expectations. I’m self published and thank XLibris for formatting my masterpiece. I wanted that professional look for an easier read. See you around the campfire listening to a couple of guitar melodies.

Please visit gardenlilie.com and theivorytide for the cover release!

Kim Troike