A Novel Idea


Thank you to Crema Espresso Gourmet for hosting us November 12th! And a special thanks to the attendees. We enjoyed giving information about our book creations followed by readings. This is a lovely venue in the heart of Dunwoody which is just north of Atlanta.

I read from my historical fiction “Chocolate for Lilly” set in the 1920’s Gilded Age eastern seaboard of America and gifted a few of my novels to readers. In addition I read my favorite poem I wrote about the fairy tale The Little Match Girl. My title for this is “I Dreamt One Night.” You can find that poem in my collection of poems in “Autumn Quotes.” All are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online venues in digital and print.


I can be reached via email here:


or purchase my books here:


Happy Thanksgiving!

Merry Christmas and see you in the new year 2020!

Caroline Clemens *pen

Kim Troike

Novelist Caroline Clemens at Artists Alley & Decatur Book Festival

Caroline Clemens is pleased to inform her readers of her recent experience with the Atlanta Writers Club at Artists Alley. The first ever Alpha Con was booked at the Alpharetta Library as an all day event!


This also happened to be her very first book signing in public. She was thrilled! George Weinstein was in attendance. He is the president of the writers club and is also in charge of the Atlanta Writers Conferences which are held twice a year downtown Atlanta in the spring and fall.


It was a busy day in August-somewhat hot, but hey, we already expected that. The library is gorgeous and sits next to a park like setting with grass and trees. We were outside along the brick corridor and shaded. Thank you to the librarians for this fun event. Later that night they held a contest for the best costume. I’m awaiting photos.

Caroline will be at her next event in downtown Decatur, Georgia. This Decatur Book Festival is one of the largest in the country and draws huge crowds with much to do! She’s been twice before and met so many people from the writing world. This time she will be in the Atlanta Writers Tent signing from 4-5 PM. Find her there both days Saturday the 31st, and Sunday the 1st.


Caroline will have on hand several of her print books at a reduced price of $5 and $10. She says she can’t wait to finish “Magenta Fleurs” and will seek a publisher for this title. She feels ready to write, print, publish and would be able to put forth more in a timely manner. Wish her luck. It’s a hard road “self-publishing.” Doable and rewarding, however, one must never turn down help from others!

Last year Caroline even wrote a screenplay and submitted this in a contest. What this did was force her to learn how to do it. Compelling and true, Caroline hopes to find a way to reach more readers, write more, be involved, and feel successful in her own right. Thank you for following and purchasing the indies art of storytelling.

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Find her books at your convenient online store or here:   AERBOOK

Books are available in print or digital! Author Caroline Clemens will be at The Decatur Book Festival in Atlanta this August 31st & September 1st in The Atlanta Writers Tent signing and selling her books. Visit her there.


Seventy Nine Word Story Challenge

Why do I love challenges? Not sure. I just do!

My friend Jane on WordPress passed this challenge on to me from Andrew Joyce blog & Chris thestoryreadingapeblog (see below). Each little story was so different. I was delighted reading each one. These short bursts help to inspire you as your time is used up nowadays. Then I killed two birds with one stone/post as they say. Mine is a blurb about the story I’m working on right now.

1920's North Depot 1922

Robert Stephens joins Emmaline Johnson, Rose, Fitz & Lilly, childhood friends, at their summer houses in North Carolina near Asheville in 1919.

With the war over and prohibition in the future, not to mention women’s suffrage, these kids have no idea where life will take them, but for now, a secret binds Robert and Emmaline and they share it most every day.

Years later they meet in New York with resolve to answer a mystery while pursuing their fate.
By Kim Troike